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January 03, 2009


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Meaningless? Faceless? What a pompous dick.


And we'll just conviently ignore the 12.6 rating the Rose Bowl did...

Jay Christensen

This site will be posting the ratings for all the games after the bowls. The Rose Bowl's numbers were up after a huge decline last year.


Not surprised - don't see alot of interest west of the Mississippi in a Cincy / Va Tech matchup, as ratings indicate


Playoff? What ratings would we have gotten for an Oklahoma/Alabama game, which is what the pre-BCS bowl system probably would have given us.

The slotting system and BCS destroyed the bowls which made college football unique. Playoffs will be the final nail in the coffin.

I will say this for the BCS: it made Crabtree's catch a legendary play. You won't get a single regular season play THAT meaningful under a playoff.

Nike Dunk High Premium

Blog so beautiful |! You sure man who is also a perfectionist ah! I like people to pursue higher level

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