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June 15, 2009


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So is that alabama stat before or after you take away the 21 wins?


Fewest Games vs. BCS Conference Opponents
T-1. Texas Tech, 0
T-1. Wisconsin, 0
T-3. Arizona, 1
T-3. Minnesota, 1
T-3. Indiana, 1
goofers did a great job disguising their usual cupcake derby this season:

1. SDSU FCS-nuff said
2. Syracuse-yes, goofers, McNabb has graduated
3. Air Force-pound those chests over a "major" mid-major---they are still a mid-major.
4. Cal-always inconsistant and they never play well on the road.


Is there really any need to revisit this issue? No one cares. Everyone's getting rich and we, the fans, keep buying tickets. Until ticket sales start to slip because of this its a non-issue.

Can't we go back to talking about how slow the Big 10 is or Erin Andrews or something?


“Is there really any need to revisit this issue? No one cares. Everyone's getting rich and we, the fans, keep buying tickets. Until ticket sales start to slip because of this its a non-issue.”

Actually, it is an issue, Beavis. If the past eight years should have taught you anything, it is that the Invisible Hand is not infallible. The NCAA and BCS should be dictating that (a) 1-AA games don’t count toward bowl eligibility and that (b) no program should be allowed to play more than half, let alone two thirds, of its games at home. Let the programs make their money within that framework.


The NCAA and BCS should dictate those things why? Because you say so? Because this blog says so? The fact that you don't like these lop-sided match-ups isn't a good enough reason.

It's a total cliche but money talks and bull s#!t walks. CF has never been as popular as it is right now. Until that changes or fans quit buying tickets there is no issue.


“The NCAA and BCS should dictate those things why? Because you say so? Because this blog says so?” No, the point is that the NCAA and BCS (or whatever its successor would be) would have to dictate this to make it happen precisely because—as you opine—the current system is profitable.

“The fact that you don't like these lop-sided match-ups isn't a good enough reason.” No, it’s not, but it should be. Rest assured, I fully understand that people like me are vastly outnumbered by slack-jawed, vacant-eyed yokels and chest-thumping imbeciles.* And as long as those people can afford to take on a little more credit card debt, the big-time programs will keep profiting and will have no reason to change their business model.

Schedule reform would create a fairer and more interesting sport. That’s all I’m saying. I’m not arguing that it’s going to happen, and I’m not stating that it would be more profitable.

- - - - -

*The truly scary thing is that the college football fan base is vastly more intelligent than the NFL fan base, despite the fact that there is overlap between the two groups.

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