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August 31, 2009


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Silly people doing silly things, The Freep has nothing better to do than smear U of M? Who do they think reads their paper?


As someone who lives in Mich and works for a newspaper (not that one), its widely known in the industry the Free Press is about done. They are in a financial mess, even more so than most newspapers. This, imo, is a tabloid attempt to grab some attention and sell some single copy papers. Nothing more, nothing less. The Free Press is nothing more than a regionalized Enquirer or Daily News.

H. Jose Bosch

I wouldn't go so far as to say that the Free Press is a regional National Enquirer. Its work on the Kwame Kilpatrick case was a fine example of watch dog journalism for the city of Detroit.

But I believe the paper missed on opportunity to dive deeper into a very important issue. I'm not saying they shouldn't have focused on the Michigan program.

Rather than writing what seemed like a manifesto to fire Rich Rodriguez, the paper should've used the example to focus on the larger issue of the NCAA's terribly written rules regarding what is and isn't a voluntary work out.

I think by going after the NCAA and the culture of big time college athletics and not just RIch Rodriguez, the paper and its writers would do more to help the athletes.

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