Jim Rossow, Champaign News-Gazette: What is Joe Tiller up to? He's living in Buffalo, Wyo. (population: 3,525) and fine-tuning the motor home he plans to drive around the country to college games. He attended the first two Wyoming games.
"Last week with Texas, now that was exciting. Full house, good game,
lots of energy in the stands. I turned to my wife during the game and
told her 'I'd love to have a headset right about now.' Times like that
is when I miss coaching."
Angelique S. Chengelis, Detroit News: The Big Ten has suspended Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton one game for striking Notre Dame center Eric Olsen during last Saturday's game. Video of incident.
Joe Drape, New York Times: Meet Sarah Thomas, big-time college football's only female referee.
Mark Alesia, Indianapolis Star: It would surprise no one if the NCAA chooses another university president as its leader.
Mashaun D. Simon, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Georgia president Michael Adams could be at the top of the list of potential replacements for the late Myles Brand as head of the NCAA.
Brittany Cofer, Red and Black: Adams is concerned with the 70 tons of trash Georgia fans leave on campus after tailgating on game days. "I don't want to start a process where we're going around arresting people," he said. "But there was urination, there was defecation, there were 70 tons of trash." Thanks to Ben Maller.
Darren Everson, Wall Street Journal: Left-handed quarterbacks have excelled in the college game, but it's a different story on the NFL level, which could be bad news for Tim Tebow. There are only five southpaws on NFL rosters at the moment, and none is a starter.
Myron Kukla, Grand Rapids Press: Lloyd Carr is campaigning for former player Jay Riemersma, a Republican who is running for U.S. Congress in Michigan's second congressional district.
Kevin Vellturo, Daily Campus: Connecticut's journey to Waco to play Baylor is the farthest trip in program history.
David Ubben and Jake Trotter, Oklahoman: Prescription for an upset: How five teams were able to stun the world.
Chris Dufresne, Los Angeles Times: USC fans turn up the heat on the writer after Matt Barkley's cool performance last Saturday in Columbus.
Chris Harry, Orlando Sentinel: Former Florida quarterback John Reaves, 59, is a physical wreck and financial mess, but life is better than it's been in nearly a decade.
Jon Wilner, College Sports Hotline: Flat ticket sales, no marketing plan ... what's new for Stanford football?
Zach Berman, Washington Post: For the sixth time in Al Groh's nine seasons as coach at Virginia, the Cavaliers will play a team from outside the Bowl Championship Series conferences on the road when they visit Southern Mississippi on Saturday in Hattiesburg.
Mark Bradley, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: How will Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson handle the post-Miami scrutiny?
Ted Miller, ESPN.com: USC is expected to start Aaron Corp at quarterback Saturday against Washington. Matt Barkley is still slowed because of a bruised right shoulder.
Christina DeVoss, Lawrence Journal-World: Kansas plans to fire a 75mm howitzer that last saw action in World War II after Jayhawk touchdowns and field goals.
The Meck Deck: Even if Duke continues to struggle, at least it looks like a team.
Joel Jellison, Manhattan Mercury: Kansas State has a commitment from linebacker Tate Snyder, the grandson of Bill Snyder.
Suzanne Halliburton, Austin American-Statesman: Texas has added Minnesota and California to its 2015 and 2016 schedules.
Ken Tysiac, Charlotte Observer: North Carolina State starting left offensive tackle Julian Williams and reserve receiver Jay Smith will miss Saturday's game against mighty Gardner-Webb because of the H1N1 virus.
Paul Buker, Oregonian: Oregon State's Jacquizz Rodgers might sit out Saturday's game against Cincinnati because of an ankle injury.
Josh Pichler, Cincinnati Enquirer: Cincinnati senior linebacker Curtis Young underwent successful right knee surgery and could miss up to six weeks.
Don Williams, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Texas Tech defensive end did not travel with the team to Austin. A spokesman characterized it as "an internal issue."
Charles Goldberg, Birmingham News: Senior receiver Montez Billings has left the Auburn team because of personal reasons, the school announced.
Brent Schrotenboer, San Diego Union-Tribune: Former San Diego State offensive lineman Lance Louis no longer is facing a possible felony battery charge but still could be charged with a misdemeanor stemming from his alleged assault on a teammate last November.
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