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October 28, 2009


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If Alabama and Florida aren't the two best teams in the country who is?

Let's see your top 25. Criticizing is easy. Offer a better alternative though. You live for this stuff - posting your top 25 each week should be relatively easy, no?


This site's modus operandi:
1. Find dead horse*
2. Gather sticks
3. Beat
4. Repeat 1-3

Let it go. If the "fix was in," as you suggest, why did the refs even allow it to get to the point that Tennessee had a field goal to win? There's shitty, shitty officiating (and it's not at all limited to the SEC, as both the PAC 10, Big 11, and others have repeatedly flubbed big calls). But there is a huge, critical distinction between poor officiating and an affirmative desire to fix the outcome of games. You can prove the first, you fall far short of establishing any evidence of the second. Please, move on.

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