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November 20, 2009


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Weis' buyout for being fired is no where near $18 Million. His buyout for being hired away buy a NFL team is over $10 million but again, for being fired, his buyout is relatively small.


This is not a very good job. If you are upset with the press that Notre Dame receives, why are you adding to it with this drivel?

Are you trying to poke fun at Notre Dame's schedule here?

I just don't get it. Yes, ND will be looking for a new coach this winter, but surely ND vs. UConn is a better match up than Alabama taking on mighty Chattanooga. I think you should bash ND in another post and actually talk about a terrible football match-up this week.

Oh, and by the way, your first sentence is wrong. Weis was the O coordinator. Not the D coordinator.

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