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November 06, 2009


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Don't forget that Ole Miss has already beaten I-AA Southeastern Louisiana, so this weekend's tilt against Northern Arizona is only to pad the stats and doesn't help for bowl eligibility.


Most SEC teams have always had a non-conference game towards the end of the year. If you're not used to it, it's strange. To us, it's weird to play all your non-conference games at once.

Plus, all those games are homecoming games, fyi


Oh, they're Homecoming games, that makes it all better. And yet we Big 10 fans have to constantly hear about how great the SEC is.

Glad to see the SEC doing everything it can to make sure that if nothing else, they're teams all win their homecoming game. Lord, they already are almost guaranteed a spot in the BCS championship every year, you'd think that they could pull one of the I-AA teams of the schedule.


This is too funny. The SEC kills me, with their arrogance and haughtiness. It’s November! Stop playing these creampuffs! I can understand that you can’t play other SEC schools every week, but go and play a real game vs. a BCS conference school. Work out the scheduling a few years in advance… how come it works for the Pac-10?

I’m sick and tired of hearing SEC this and SEC that. During a dinner party in Eugene last Friday night it was nice to hear Corse, Herbstreit, and Flower crack some pretty good SEC jokes about their fan bases. Now, that was good material that surely will never make time on the camera.


Nice touch with the Deliverance boy photo. Your hard on for the SEC has finally gotten the best of you.


No conference can compare to the SEC. You are an idiot to think Chizik is a fraud. Paul Finbaum jumps on the things he can find to try to sell newspapers. To believe him, you have to be really stupid. Are you?
You certain;y qualify. War Eagle you idiot !!!


We like our football in the SEC. All other conferences are way behide.

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