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November 18, 2009


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Lumping Texas in with Alabama and Florida in the OOC debate is a bit disingenuous. Arkansas and Utah backed out of games with Texas this season and left Texas scrambling to find opponents.


"Yet two of these teams will be rewarded with berths to the BCS title game. It doesn't seem right."

Well, then, what teams do you suggest go to the BCS Championship game? A 7-3 (for now)USC? They play a tough schedule, though.

How about TCU, Cincinnati or Boise State? Oops, their SOS are considerably behind the Gators and Tide.


"Which brings us to the biggest offender in Texas. The Longhorns put together a cupcake lineup of Louisiana Monroe, Wyoming, Texas El Paso and Central Florida. Not a I-A opponent in the bunch."

Either you're incredibly stupid or an opportunistic liar. ULM (Sunbelt), Wyoming (Mountain West), UTEP (Conference USA) and UCF (Conference USA), are all FBS. ULM and UCF are bowl eligible. Wyoming needs one more win for bowl eligibility.

Combine that with what I previously mentioned about Utah and Arkansas backing out of their games with Texas this season and I'd lean more towards "opportunistic liar."

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