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December 22, 2009


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I would also argue that the bowls are set up to make ESPN money. 27 of the 34 games are going to be broadcast on ESPN/ABC. That total will go up by 3 next year when ESPN gets all the BCS games. Bowl games are cheap programming for ESPN. ESPN doesn't care if there's people in the stands as long as they garner at least a 2.5 share in viewership ratings.

Purple People Eater

Why wouldn't the SEC, which is comprised of 12 institutions of higher learning, want to generate more money for each institution every single year? Every year, the SEC breaks its own record for funds distributed to its member institutions, primarily because of the bowl system and ESPN. From Alabama to Vanderbilt, the schools are benefiting from this arrangement.

I don't understand why this so wrong.

If the "mid-major's" want to complain about the SEC and other BCS Conferences, I recommend that the SEC, PAC-10 and others pull completely away from the others and completely do their own thing. Point is, Utah is making BCS money BECAUSE of the SEC, not in spite of it.

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