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February 24, 2010


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Yet another reason the Big 10 will make its move and bring in a top name football program (read: Nebraska) for expansion. Outside of Wisconsin and tOSU, you have Penn State showing up to play on odd years, Michigan State every leap year...and that's about it. Hell, if anything, Nebraska will be able to console Michigan fans about having an overrated coach and incompetent AD ruin a program and how to resurrect it from the ashes.

Since ND and Texas are off the list, Nebraska is the biggest name it can grab that would be one of the 15 schools in areas contiguous to the Big 10 footprint.


wow. everybody acts like this is the end of the world! this is the worst thing to happen to college football, evar.

michigan broke the rules. they got caught. they should be punished (or the rules reconsidered). no argument there.

those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. i'd love to see the practice records for usc, ucla, tennessee, florida, florida state, texas, nebraska. michigan is more than likely the sacrificial lamb for all programs in fbs. yes, ALL.


With such "major rule violations" as: "Football activities during the week of Oct. 19, 2008 exceeded the 20-hour weekly limit during the season by 20 minutes," it's astounding that Michigan hasn't fired Rich Rod, disbanded its sports program, and burned down the stadium.

Seriously? Who cares.

See http://j.mp/cFSF3F for source.


"Rich Rod Era at Michigan Reaches a New Low"

Seriously, this is a old media journalist type of title simply to get attention. Way to jump into hysteria and over-hype a barely story. I read wiz of odds less and less, and I am beginning to see why. If I want overblown headlines I will buy a newspaper. Give me rational analysis please.

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