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March 25, 2010


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Todd E. Jones

Sounds like somebody who is already sweating the absence of Tebow.


Meyers is such an infantile bully. In other words, he is a coach.




Somebody should tell Urban to relax, this isn't worth having a heart attack and quitting over.


College football players are not members of the general public nor should they be compared directly to them. They are males between the ages of 18-23. The crime rate of the group is significantly higher than the general population.

renaissance costume

Hmmm I think the coach is just doing his job.. Protecting his players.. Those issues can intimidate the players and can be a factor that will affect their game which is a no no.


the article was in poor taste....the university of florida has every right to limit access to its players..especially with regard to media members with axes to grind

Purple People Eater

So it's not okay for an experienced receiver to try to build confidence in his new quarterback by talking good about him in the press?

When did that change, Urban? Get over it.


Typical coach: jackass. Player tries to give some credit to his new quarterback and coach goes bilistic on a writer. Yep, total jackass.


Funny to see gaytor fan get all defensive in regard to their douchebag coach. If it was Saban, the same curb lickers would be behind the reporter all the way. I will say that T-bone has a point...the crime stat comparison can be misleading. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that Gaytor players appear to love the limelight of the blotter.

Buddy Lufkin

Did the reporter lie? No.....
The reporter was accurate and did his job.

I still don't get why Urban was mad. The man is losing it.......

Big T

I will take the reporter. Urban Cryer has probably never been in a fight. One punch to the chest and he will fall like panties after the prom.

bob cuomo

Urban Meyer is a jerk. Poor Urban thought his boy Tebow was being critized. The reporter asked a simple question and the player answered it...he didn't say anything critical of Tebow. Nice going, Meyer...and then he has the stones to threaten the reporter? What a punk.


Are you a caveman purple people eater? i mean are you that stupid to not understand the situation. Urban was defending a player who was catching heat for making a comment that could be seen as negative towards tebow. Whatever you do in your life i hope its self-employment and dosnt envolve other people. Clearly most of you havnt done anything in life that requires teamwork and cohesion. Writers\reporters\news media etc will do whatever it takes to create a story regardless of who it may hurt or effect. Thompson claims caught a lot of crap for that comment and his coach was defending him, as a coach should do. Wouldnt you defend a friend? family member? student if you were a teacher etc. I can care less about florida and coach meyer but regardless you stick up for your players and have their back, unless your chip kelly and coach a bunch of convicts who love pissing away their careers for a frat boys laptop or attacking everyone you see because you lost your season opener

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