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April 23, 2010


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What about the off-the-wall reference to the Christmas Bowl, a bowl no one heard of?

Well this http://www.nunesmagician.com/2010/4/23/1439809/what-the-hell-was-the-cure-bowl post got the organizer (apparently a VP at a energy drink company) out of the woodwork and he posted a pdf (game would be around Christmas, at the LA Coliseum, PAC 10 #7 vs. a WAC team, to support Children's Miracle Network, perhaps on CBS)

https://www.yousendit.com/download/OHo2QmtSSU80b0JjR0E9PQ (pdf he linked to

The Wiz

Some terrific stuff here, Uvaeer! Thanks for this!


bob cuomo

Absolutely incredible! This is so wrong. It's bad enough having 6-6 teams play in bowl games, now there's a chance that some 5-7 teams will be "rewarded" and get to play in a bowl? Sorry, it's a bad move. But heck, it's a way for the NCAA to make more money, so there.

Will Smithrock

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Who in the heck wants to watch a 5-7 team in a bowl game, let alone a 6-6 team?

NCAA 2011 Rosters

For me, this is a wrong NCAA move.. Why don't they just let the 6-6 teams be eligible in a bowl? Knowing that there would be chances for 5-7 teams be qualified in a bowl game is not so good..


Pinstripe Bowl: 4th Place Team plays a 7th place team. Give me a break. I don't care what their records might be, 4th place and 7th place and NOT good finishes. Why don't they just create a bowl game for every single team to make them all feel special?

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