Jeremiah Masoli and Mississippi inched closer Wednesday to a union, with two reports saying the former Oregon quarterback had been admitted into graduate school in Oxford.
Joe Schad of and the Rivals site Rebel Grove reported that Masoli-to-Mississippi was a done deal, but Rebel coach Houston Nutt told the Memphis Commercial Appeal late Wednesday night that no decision had been made whether the school would admit the troubled quarterback.
"No [campus] visit has been set [for Masoli]," Nutt wrote in a text. "He may not even consider [being a] walk-on. I don't know."
The Oregonian reports there still could be a legal hitch to a Masoli transfer. Dan Koenig, Masoli's attorney, said the player's guilty plea last week to charges of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and failing to stop upon exiting a driveway could be deemed a violation of a yearlong probation Masoli received earlier this year after a burglary conviction.
"There still is the potential that the district attorney could file a probation violation," Koenig said.
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