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August 19, 2010


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Thank you for posting the many links on this story. I cannot find anything about the $5 million exit fee that the WAC recently enacted.

Will Fresno State and Nevada have to pay the $5 million exit fee?


They won't have to pay any exit fee if there's no conference to collect it. One more WAC team jumping ship puts them below the NCAA minimum number of teams to technically be a conference [which, I beleive, is six].

As for BYU... screw them. I have no ill-will toward Utah. They got a better offer, which they have earned. BYU tried to backstab their way out of the door and light the conference on fire on their way out.

Cougars, you'd better be ready to give up 8TDS when you come to Fort Worth in October. You will receive no quarter.

The Wiz

Regarding the exit fee: Nevada did not sign the agreement and Karl Benson, the WAC commish, said he expects the school to pay it. The attorneys will have a field day with this one.


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