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September 29, 2010


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Reverend Paul Revere

Now, that's dirty.


More amazing than the hit was that it was reviewed by the WAC and the non-call on the play was upheld!

Also, the O-lineman that blew the guys knee out tweeted "no flag, no foul" after the game.

Stay classy, Wolkpack.

john burns

Does BYU remember in 2004 when one of their defense players hit a NEVADA running back after the play on the cougers sideline and some of the BYU players would not let that NEVADA player get up. He was lost for the year with a ripped up ACL. That was NEVADA"S first game of the year. Now do you (B.Y.U.) call that a "no flag, no foul" Stay classy, BYU.

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