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October 12, 2010


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David Gladow

Dude, this is fairly timely what with the Brett Favre nonsense.

This is the kind of thing I point to when reporters try to discredit bloggers/Interent types as being "unprofessional". What the heck was this then?

edward allen

Do you have the full e-mail? If so, it might be good to post it in full so we can see it in?context. Reading this story, I am sort of siding with Greg Archuleta's interpretation, which is contrary to what other media are reporting. They say Archuleta suggested he quit.

The Wiz

I do not have the full email, only what the Journal printed. I'd be happy to print the full email should it become available.

One could certainly interpret that Archuleta is getting a bum deal, especially considering that he has been on the beat and with the newspaper for so many years. Perhaps loyalty and years of service don't count like they used to.

Crunch Meister Duckingham

Newspaper are drowning in red ink and will do anything they can to get rid of long-time employees. There is no such thing as loyalty, whether you worked 70 hours and were paid for 40 for two decades.

That said, a lot of other college scribes have wondered why this paper hasn't sought out a better beat guy than Archuleta. He is not well-respected and a lot of eyes were raised at a conference media day when former Lobos coach Rocky Long asked him if he wanted to go have a beer.

I see this as an opportunity for the Journal to move on after the season and conduct a national search and bring in someone credible with Mountain West Conference ties that can improve the caliber of coverage that the good folks in Albuquerque deserve.


Dear Albuquerque Journal, please hire Crunch Meister Duckingham.

Would like to see that name at the top of articles.

Thank You.


It seems like the reporter is in fact getting a "bum rap." He's trying to sympathize with Dennis in hopes he can get his side of the story since many sources point to Dennis leaving. He was not suggesting it was a step in the right direction if the quote is put into context.

ffxiv gil

I see this as an opportunity for the Journal to move on after the season and conduct a national search and bring in someone credible with Mountain West Conference ties that can improve the caliber of coverage that the good folks in Albuquerque deserve.

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