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December 05, 2010


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Budd White

Huh! I actually thought for a long time that Tressel used to coach at Youngstown St...my bad. BTW, as the son of a mom who suffered a severe stroke, I think Lee Corso is remarkable in his recovery and sharpness...but then again I am probably mistaken about that too. Too bad we take such glee when people seemingly mis-speak, even though I still think there is a chance he didn't mis-speak...I just don't get why we are so addicted to such sarcastic and schaedenfraude-ridden commentary.

Hans Gruber

Actually, the Youngstown piece really featured the Stoops and Pellini brothers. Tressel was mentioned in passing, but he wasn't interviewed nor was he prominently featured. If you blinked you could have missed it. Give Corso a break, he had a stroke last year. He's GREAT for the sport.

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