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January 14, 2011


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The Ticket City Bowl between Texas Tech and Northwestern was left out of the mix. It was, by far, the most entertaining of the four early Big Ten bowl blow-outs on January 1. I would like to see how it rated against some of the more established bowl games.


By the way, yes - there are too many bowl games. But as long as ESPN gets a 2.0 share or higher, it's profitable programming for them. ESPN doesn't care if the two teams are losing cash to the tune of over 6 figures for the priviledge of playing in the game.


why is that true, i.e. 2.0 share?

Paul Gabbert

ESPN's goal is to show advertisers a minimum 2.0 rating for many of these minor bowl games. Production costs are relatively cheap for broadcasting games and ESPN has evidently deemed the 2.0 rating as the threshold for recouping dollars charged for advertising versus their bottom line.

The Wiz

Ratings not a huge issue to ESPN. This from the Birmingham News story: "Unlike broadcast networks, whose model is based on advertising revenue, cable networks have dual revenue streams from advertising and subscription fees with cable and satellite operators."

Tony G.

ESPN may not care about ratings, but I'll double darn guarantee you that the advertisers do. They are the ones who are paying ESPN for the ads and if no one is watching the game, that means ESPN has to pay money back to the advertisers if the ratings go below a certain threshold. If ratings for some games continue to be low, ESPN won't be able to charge as much for ads and it could also make some advertisers shy away from any future considerations.

Curt B.

Dual revenue streams means advertising dollars are of the utmost importance to ESPN. They know how much they're getting on a monthly basis via subscription fees. Where ESPN makes their money on college football games is with advertising fees. It's a business gamble on the Mother Ship's part. You have a crappy bowl game that no one wants to watch, advertising revenue goes down. Plain and simple.

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