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January 19, 2011


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It's not overly fair to lump fans from a particular team into this survey. Every program has classless fans - these fans just got caught on tape.


wheres lane kiffin?


A team is very capable of scoring 3 times in a 7 minute span. I don't think being up by 21 with 7 minutes to go in a game should even be mentioned as classless.

bob cuomo

Some excellent choices here. Bielema, Edsall, Pelini and Locksley...oh, and James, are fine candidates, but I gotta go with Meyer. Geez, what a jerk he was (is?) for going after a reporter for, my goodness, using an accurate quote from a player...wow!

The Producer

Wow! The top ten is an awesome list! I can only hope next year is this good.

I really don't know who to pick Bielema becasue he made the list twice!

Meyer because he is an ass!

James just because he is a jerk.

Pelini Just because!

Edsall for being the ultimate MAN and telling his team.

And the winner is........................

Meyer just because he is an ass.


How about the Iowa"Mcnutt on you" shirts, fairly classy in their own right.


This is an awful list. 3 scores up with 6 minutes in college fb is not a sure bet. How about the on-field classless acts from the players, like that douche from Auburn who like to body slam players?

Ben H.

How could you possibly leave out the Texas A&M player who sexually molested a Nebraska player who had recovered a fumble in a pile?


Really? These are the ten most classless act in NCAA Football this year? Pretty good year.


I absolutely hate the cry-baby wimp reaction to "piling it on" or "running up the score." What whiners.

Do you really expect a coach to kill 7 minutes of clock time when his reserves need practice in game-day situations? I don't care if it's 100-3, if the other team has any balls at all they'll keep fighting and I'll keep teaching my team how to score.

Boo-freaking-hoo for the cry babies. The skunk rule ended in pony league boys, man up or shut up

Garret O

You need to do a little more research. "There was no need for backup quarterback Jon Budmayr to be passing, let alone throwing deep to Jared Abbrederis. The two hooked up for a 74-yard touchdown with 7:26 remaining to increase the lead to 76-13." The reason for throwing at that point is that it was one of 3 passes in the entire second half that Wisconsin threw. And the throw was a short throw that turned into a big play, just like so many other plays that day, because Indiana failed to tackle him. Bielema showed his class in the press conference after the game by acknowledging the play and saying it was something they wanted to try out and give Jon a rep and it turned into a big play. People get upset about the Wisconsin score because they only see the score. The truth is we played all our backups and Indiana failed to tackle anyone all day and couldn't hold on to the ball for any meaningful amount of time. The Indiana coach had no problem with it.


I have no problem with coaches leaving programs, its their career and they're entitled to take on new opportunities like someone would in any other profession. Edsall not being man enough to address his team before he left though was inexcusable.

Craig James was pretty deplorable, but so was Cecil Newton and I don't see his name on here anywhere. They were both fathers trying to get the most for their sons, and sadly most people would probably do the same thing if they had the chance.


This is a no brainer. James is a classless king of the jerks.

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