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March 03, 2011


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So does this mean that if you wanted to buy a ticket from either Auburn or Oregon, you could have?

How do you not sell out of tickets to the national championship?

Doesn't add up

The MNC game was definitely a hot ticket. This doesn't add up. You could not purchase tickets from Auburn.

The Wiz

Below is link that will clear things up. I also updated the post to reflect this information.

Instead of offering the 2,456 tickets for public sale, Auburn had to purchase them for use by staff, families of players and coaches and the band. Thus, instead of passing the cost onto the public, it became an expense for Auburn:


"Auburn also needed to purchase 2,456 tickets for staff, the families of the players and coaches, and the band, which needed 500 seats.

"Approximately 25 percent of Auburn's expenditures — $781,825 — involved tickets it had to buy from its own ticket office. That money went to the BCS. ...

" 'When you have a ticket that is $300 to $325 apiece, that adds up really quickly when you're doing that many complimentary tickets,' said Scott Carr, Auburn's senior associate athletic director."

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