Notre Dame made an initial "termination payment" of more than $6.6 million to Charile Weis when it fired him as coach in 2009, according to tax documents obtained by the Chicago Tribune.
Weis, who was 35-27 in five seasons as coach, will continue to be cut smaller checks until December 2015, so the full scope of his separation agreement won't be known until then.
"Termination payment of $6,638,403 was made during the reporting period to Charles J. Weis under a separation agreement that includes much smaller annual payments through December, 2015," according to the documents.
Weis is currently Florida's offensive coordinator, a job that will pay him $2.62 million over three years. Combined with his Notre Dame severance, Weis is no doubt the highest-paid offensive coordinator in the land.
The good news for Notre Dame is that Tyrone Willingham, the coach Weis replaced, apparently is off the books. Willingham received $650,000 for his "separation agreement" that included payments through December 2009.